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  Kyle felt the smoke of passion curl through his blood, rushing his breath and his heartbeat. He grasped her hips, rocking her. She licked his lips, and his kiss grew stronger.

  And stronger. His hands found their way beneath her shirt, then under her bra. He groaned at the delicious warmth of her skin, his fingertips working her nipples into tight peaks, still kissing her, still rubbing against her. And like all the times before, she gave and gave.

  And Maxie wanted more. She felt sexy and adored when Kyle touched her—cherished and needed as a woman, not just a rancher or a mom. It drew her tighter to him, sent her hands to the band of his jeans. She wanted to touch him. And her fingers molded familiarly over the tight ridge fighting against the fabric of his jeans.

  "Oh, yes," he groaned darkly, driving his body against her.

  Then her jacket was open, her shirt seconds after, and his lips were on her bare breast, drawing her nipple into the heat of his mouth. Maxie dropped her head back, holding him there, guiding him from one breast to the other, and Kyle suckled and ticked until she was moaning like a wild creature. Then he captured the sounds with his lips.

  Before he peeled open her jeans, his hand slipping inside.

  Anticipation made her shift for him. His fingers slid along the skin of her stomach. Her flesh quivered. He hooked the edge of her panties and sank deeper inside.

  His fingers found her, and she gasped, answering the push.

  Kyle moaned against the curve of her throat. "You're so hot and wet for me."

  "I always am," she rasped, and he stroked. Her breathing shuddered, her hips rocking harder and Kyle thrust and withdrew.

  But he knew Maxie. Knew her body. He felt her excitement, reveled in the rush of her passion along her skin and drew back enough to look at her. Her face darkened, but she didn't look away, her lips parted, her eyes glazed. He loved her panting, her bold stare and her hurried movements over him.

  He pushed and withdrew. "Maxie, baby."

  "Kyle … I—" He could feel it, the clench of feminine muscles, the way she kissed him so frantically, grabbed his hips and pulled.

  He stared into her eyes. "Don't fight it, baby, let me see it."


  "I don't have any protection … and you can't wait."

  "I know!" she cried, and he chuckled darkly.

  Kyle watched her passion unfold, felt it strain through her body and onto his fingers wrapped tightly inside her. "I want this to be me, baby. Me," he chanted in her ear, then told her he would, how much pleasure he had feeling her release drench him. Then he told her what else he wanted to do with her. And Maxie dropped over the threshold, clawing him, her body tightly drawn around his. He watched it and got harder.


  "I love it when you say my name like that," he said against the curve of her throat. His thumb swept across the tight bead of her sex, and she flinched, grabbing his hair and kissing him hard, riding the threads of her desire in his arms.

  He removed his hand and dragged her to the fresh hay pile with him, wrapping himself around her. "I always enjoyed watching you do that," he said into her mouth.


  He heard the unease in her tone and tightened his hold. "Shh. Don't." Kyle stared at the wood ceiling, snuggling her close. "Right now, I'm so hard for you I could forget about protection and just take the consequences. So please, baby, not a word." Gallantry was hell, he thought, waiting until she relaxed in his embrace.

  Maxie worked her hands inside his jacket feeling sheltered and warm and relaxed for the first time in years. She didn't want to think of the problems this seduction would cause now, and the cocoon of silence kept sour thoughts at bay just a little longer. Maxie reveled in the simple peace of satisfaction.

  The wind whistled through the cracks in the barn, cooling them.

  A horse nickered and stomped softly.

  Then the distinct sound of a school-bus horn shattered their contentment. Maxie sat up sharply, glanced at her watch and hopped to her feet. Kyle just lay there, his hands propped behind his head, watching her finger-comb bits of straw from her hair, then adjust her clothing. She had to shower and she was thankful now that Kyle had done half her work for her. Since she'd wasted the afternoon. She sent him an impatient look.

  "Aren't you getting up?"

  "Nah." Kyle saw that her lips were swollen, her hair a mess and she had that freshly ravished look he'd always loved giving her.

  "I can't let Mimi see me like this."

  His brows knitted.

  "Or you like that." She nodded to the very prominent bulge still in his jeans.

  "Max—" He sat up, groaning, but there was something other than passion making her tremble like that.

  "No, don't argue. She's a sharp little girl, Kyle. And she comes first."

  Despite his discomfort, Kyle climbed to his feet, catching her before she fled.

  Her gaze locked with his.

  "I'm not arguing. Of course I don't want her to know what we did in here, either." He pulled a piece of straw from her hair, then flicked it aside. "I just don't want her mother to forget."

  She gazed deeply into his dark eyes. "Oh, Kyle." Her voice fractured with a misery he couldn't understand. "I couldn't seven years ago." She cupped his jaw, her fingers trembling. "I can't now." She brushed her mouth over his, then moved quickly away, snatching up her hat before she left.

  Kyle had a sinking feeling that he'd just made everything worse.

  Maxie walked easily toward the Range Rover to get the last bag of groceries, using the cold blast of air and brisk steps to shrug off the haze of passion. Her daughter hopped off the bus, bolting into her arms. And Maxie's heart twisted in her chest when the first words out of her mouth were, "Hi, Mom, where's Mr. Hayden?"

  * * *


  « ^ »

  In the shower, Maxie sighed against the cool tile, hot water sliding luxuriously over her body. She closed her eyes and pushed wet hair from her forehead. Bathing did not wash away the afternoon, and she recalled … everything—the heat in his eyes, his hardness pressing against her and how much she'd wanted to feel him inside her. Kyle had more than just sexual power over her. He was fast clamping a vise on her heart. She admitted that she wanted to be in his arms, despite what it would do to her control. She was honest with herself that if they'd had protection, the whole situation would have escalated to the inevitable, and the emotional consequences would have been harder to accept. She was thankful now for small favors.

  She couldn't finish what they'd started. Her future was already mapped out. If he knew she'd had his child and kept the news from him, any relationship they began now would be destroyed. He was going to jump to conclusions, she thought, letting the hot spray rinse away the last of the soap and shampoo. He was going to think today would change everything. And sadly, it wouldn't.

  She didn't know what to expect as she stepped from the shower, but hearing Mimi's and Kyle's laughter was not it. For an instant, she let the pleasurable sound seep through her. Towel-drying her hair, she quickly dressed in fresh clothes, then left her bedroom, heading toward the music and voices. She found Kyle in the kitchen, wearing an apron and standing alongside Mimi, trying to do the tush-push.

  Mimi was a pro. Kyle was hopeless.

  Just the same, her heart did a fierce jump in her chest as she watched them sidestep, wiggle hips, sidestep.

  "Nah, like this," Mimi said, reaching up to grab his hips and give them motion.

  "Face it short stack. I don't have any rhythm."

  "Duh," she said, rolling her eyes.

  Kyle sent her a crestfallen look. She giggled. And a smile burst across his face. He pinched her nose, and she laughed harder.

  "Okay, okay. I think I've got it this time," Kyle said when the chorus started again. In synch they danced, Kyle still with the sauté fork in one hand and her best apron flapping at his knees. And Mimi whacking her hair out of her face to watch his feet with an intensity th
at scrunched her face up so adorably, Maxie's smile widened.

  When the song ended, Mimi clapped for him and Kyle curtsied, thanking her with a dainty kiss on her hand. Her daughter giggled and blushed, then Kyle ordered her back to work. Maxie backed out of the kitchen without being noticed, leaning against the outside wall. She sighed, pushing damp curls off her face. Her heart ached so bad it hurt to swallow.

  How could she keep them apart? she thought. Was she doing the right thing by keeping Kyle's identity a secret from Mimi? Then in the next breath she knew she was caught in her own trap. What will happen to Mimi when he leaves?

  It's you you're worried about. Mimi could spring back from most anything, and Max knew it. It was Maxie who wasn't ready for more heartache than she'd already had.

  She lingered out of sight, listening to them chat, Mimi telling him about her pet turtles, Kyle cooking something heavenly while Maxie gathered her courage to face him. When she entered the kitchen, he looked up and a smile lit his features. Her heartbeat tripped. Oh, to see that smile every day, she thought. It was so much like his daughter's.

  "Where ya been? Trying to cut out on K.P. duty?"

  "That means kitchen police, Mom. But not like cops or detectives," Mimi said while setting the table. "Policing means cleaning up."

  Maxie bit the inside of her mouth as Mimi carefully laid out the utensils. "Oh, does it?"

  "Yup. Mr. Hayden said he got K.P. duty a couple times when he was a marine. For being late for work."

  Because he spent time with me, Maxie thought, her gaze flashing to Kyle's. He sent her a long hungry look that brought this afternoon to the surface with amazing clarity. She felt her skin warm, and her lips curved without thought. He sucked air in through clenched teeth and started toward her. Immediately she stepped back, shaking her head. He stilled, his expression wilting. Maxie glanced meaningfully at Mimi.

  His lips tightened, and he turned back to the counter.

  Maxie felt rotten, but pushed it aside. She couldn't let Mimi know there was more than just a boarder in her house. If she got a clue, she would seize it and hold it out for inspection with questions. Questions Maxie wasn't prepared to answer. Not that she would know how.

  "What's cooking?" she said brightly.

  "Lemon chicken, fettucine Alfredo and steamed broccoli."

  "Broccoli, yuck," Mimi said sourly, pouring drinks.

  "With cheese sauce, short stack."

  She glanced at Kyle. "No, thank you, Mr. Hayden," Mimi muttered, trying not to be rude, and the adults exchanged a silent message to get her to at least try it. Kyle ladled food into serving platters, and Maxie took one. Over a steaming pot, he met her gaze, his expression so tender her emotions sank to a dangerous level.

  "You okay?" he said softly.

  "Shouldn't I be?"

  He shrugged, holding up streamers of fettucine, then swirling them onto a platter. "The way you rushed off out there, I was wondering if you'd forgotten about me."

  That wounded-little-boy look wasn't cutting it with her, and she jerked the platter from his hands. "Like hell you were wondering." She carried it to the table. He chuckled lowly, and Maxie knew she was in for a tough night.

  Mimi was already in a chair and doing what she did best—talking.

  Bless her heart, she kept the conversation going through dinner, and Kyle even convinced her to try the broccoli and cheese sauce. She was on her third helping when the phone rang.

  Kyle's gaze followed Maxie as she answered it. "The rescue station," she mouthed, then went to the window, peering into the dark. A light snow was failing.

  "You sure it can't wait till morning? No, I understand, Jackson. Give me about an hour." She hung up. "I've got to bring in a couple of fresh mounts," she said to Kyle, then looked at Mimi. "Let's get going, princess."

  "Max," Kyle ventured as he brought dishes to the counter. He met her gaze. "Let me help take the horses in."

  "It's no big deal, Kyle. We've done it before." Maxie winked at Mimi.

  "Yeah, I help," Mimi piped up.

  "But it's late and dark and snowing." Maxie's look said she was aware of that. "Okay," he conceded. "I tell you what. You get the horses ready while Mimi and I finish up here. Then I'll give you a hand hitching the trailer. That okay with you, short stack?"

  Mimi shrugged, oblivious to the tension between the adults. "Sure."

  Maxie's lips pulled into a tight line. She walked straight up to Kyle. "I know what you're doing."

  "Do you?"

  "Ganging up." Her gaze swept briefly to Mimi. Including her in the decision gave him a shot at tagging along.

  He'd been found out, Kyle thought, and the corner of his mouth quirked. Just as well. He was enjoying the family atmosphere way too much, anyway. "Okay, fine. I could stay here, see that she does whatever little girls do before bed." He looked apprehensive just then.

  "The same thing as boys, except they wash behind their ears." Yet Maxie considered one fact: Mimi might like him, but she wasn't ready to have him as a sitter.

  "Come on, Mom, we'll get done faster and I'll get to bed on time." Kyle and Maxie looked down at Mimi, her sweet face tilted up, but Maxie recognized the devious glint in her daughter's eyes. She was hoping she would get to stay up late.

  "All right. But you'd better be finished with K.P. duty by the time I get the mounts. And wear your gloves, Meem."

  Kyle turned his attention to rinsing and loading the dishes with record speed. Mimi was bundled up and out the door a good ten minutes before him. When he left the house to help Maxie hook up the trader, Mimi was standing by, holding the horses' leads, her tiny cowboy hat tilted against the wind. Maxie lowered the gate, and Mimi led the horses into the mobile stall. Kyle watched the little girl secure the leads and run bracing straps under the mounts without a shred of fear.

  "Careful, short stack."

  "I'm fine, Mr. Hayden, honest."

  Maxie glanced at Kyle and had to smile at the concern on his face. "She's my partner, Kyle. Ease up." Maxie closed the gate as Kyle and Mimi climbed into the already warmed-up Range Rover.

  Two hours later, after Jackson filled Mimi with far too many treats and Kyle and Max with hot coffee, they were headed back.

  "So much for getting her to bed on time," Kyle said, and Maxie spared him a glance. Her breath caught. Mimi was snuggled trustingly against his side, sound asleep.

  "I knew she wouldn't last," she managed to say casually.

  Kyle toyed with a bright red curl. "But you weren't ready to leave her alone with me."

  "No, Kyle," she said. "She wasn't ready."

  His features tightened. "You think she's afraid of me?" He didn't like that, not at all.

  "Hardly." In fact she'd never known Mimi to be so trusting of any man who'd been at the ranch. "But getting ready for bed is sometimes a drama for a little girl. They like their privacy and are shy about anyone coming within fifty yards while they bathe." Maxie laughed shortly, shaking her head. "Sometimes … even their moms."

  She looked out of sorts just then, and where Kyle had thought she knew everything about kids, he realized she didn't. It was comforting to know since he was just getting the hang of being a real adult. But then, Max had always wanted children, a house full, she'd told him once. Kyle's gaze slid over her as she drove. Still beautiful, he thought, even without makeup and chic clothes. And she turned him on like no other woman ever had. He just wished she would quit hiding behind parenthood.

  When Maxie pulled up in front of the house and shut off the engine, Kyle reached for her, cupping the back of her head and bringing her mouth to his. She resisted for about two seconds, then sank into his kiss with a hungry moan. Kyle had felt her pulling away from him since dinner. He hated that she could do it so easily when he was nothing but confusion and mush inside. And he got to her the only way he knew how just then and kept kissing her, nipping at her lips and drinking her soft shudder.

  "I can't stop thinking about this afternoon," he whispered in her ear
. "I get hard just remembering how you—"

  "Kyle, shh," she said, yet accepted another deep kiss, although she'd spent the past hours convincing herself she didn't want this.

  Between them, Mimi stirred and they jerked apart. Maxie's damning look was enough to cool his passion for her, and sighing, Kyle carried Mimi inside, laying her on her bed. She woke immediately, sitting up and folding her arms over her flat chest. Her gaze shot between the adults, ending with a damning look on Kyle.

  "You kissed my mom."

  Kyle blinked, then glanced briefly at Maxie. "Yes, I did."

  Mimi looked at her mother. "Did you like it?"

  Maxie sputtered.

  "You sounded like you did."

  Maxie reddened. "You shouldn't have been eavesdropping, young lady." She stood. "It's way past your bedtime."

  Kyle took his cue and headed for the door, but Mimi's words stopped him. "Do you like my mom, Mr. Hayden?"

  Kyle's gaze clashed with Maxie's. "Yes, I do." I always have, he thought as he left, stepping into his room. He dropped onto the bed, folding his arms beneath his head, and stared at the ceiling. In those moments in Mimi's room, Kyle realized how much a simple kiss could affect Mimi. He liked Maxie's daughter. She was lively and sweet tempered, and Kyle felt an odd companionship with the little redhead. But Maxie was right. Choices included more than just them. And he debated whether or not he was prepared for what that entailed and if he could handle it. He sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbing the back of his neck.

  In her bedroom, Mimi sleepily slipped out of her clothes and into her nightie. Mother and daughter chatted about school, decided what she'd wear tomorrow and how nice it was that Kyle cooked tonight.

  "Do you think Mr. Hayden likes me?"

  Maxie met her gaze and togged on her ruffles. "Hey, what's not to like, princess?" Mimi shrugged her narrow shoulders. "I'm sure he does. I could never get him to dance."

  Mimi smiled, and Maxie crawled into bed with her daughter, sitting behind her and braiding her hair.